• 통합검색
  • 전북특별자치도교육청
  • Language

Looking for volunteers for JEPIK SUPPORTERS!

  • 작성자 : 창의인재교육과(Ga Young Byun)
  • 작성일 : 2024-05-07
  • 조회수 : 371




Jeonbuk State Office of Education is seeking (up to) 10 volunteers for JEPIK Supporters!



JEPIK Supporters will work closely with JEPIK Team of Jeonbuk State Office of Education to:


1. Assist with inquiries from JEPIK teachers (open chat)

2. Conduct lectures/workshops

3. Mentor new EPIK teachers

4. Provide counseling

5. Share experiences in Korea and the Korean language etc


If you are interested,

Please fill out the form and send to joannaa@jbedu.kr

JEPIKSupportersapplication.xlsx (9 kb)


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