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Copied Documents (University degrees, CRC, Transcripts etc) can be obtained for your new job in Korea.
Please ensure that we will provide copied document service for certain period of time.
Your (submitted) hard copy of documents will be sent to our secured library after 5 years from the last day of your employment.

Proof of Employment (2 types)
Certificate with the official stamp- This must be collected in person.
Certificate without the official stamp- This can be sent out in PDF file and you will be receiving via email.


To request, go to "Document Service" menu above and download the form.
Please submit a completed request form to joannaa@jbedu.kr


Jeollabukdo Office of Education, JEPIK Coordinator does not typically have the opportunity to watch GETs teach nor have a significant amount of professional involvement with individual GETs. It is thus not possible for us to write a personal LOR and it would be dishonest to do so.

For a LOR, it would be best to ask a co-teacher to write this for you. Please take care to explain thoroughly what a LOR is and its purpose - writing LORs is not a common practice in Korea. If you are concerned about the English in the letter, you can politely ask if it would be possible for you to proofread the letter. Alternatively, you may have them write the letter in Korean and pay for it to be professionally translated.

Setting up a remittance account or check for your online banking to receive/manage your last pay.

BANKING[Find info on Remittance Account]
You must inform your remittance account number to your local office of education prior contract ends
Office of Education will send your last pay to the account info if there is not an update.

Severance Pay: If you have completed a minimum 365 days of employment you are entitled to get the severance pay. This pay cannot be deposited into an international account. You will be paid within 14 days after the completion of the contract. The amount is roughly equal to one month's income per year worked, calculated using the average of the income received in the last three months of employment. Severance is taxed before you receive it. This is at a lower tax rate than income tax.

Claim your pension: If you are an Australian, Canadian or American citizen, you can claim your pension as a lump sum when you leave Korea. visit pension for more info.
If you have any inquiries about pension, Please contact national pension service center.

Pays: Even though you are leaving Korea early using your paid leave, All payment will be processed based on the contract dates.


There could be some payments you will receive or pay (depends on the calculation) if there's any additional calculation with your tax or national health insurance after the end of the contract. So please do not have your account deactivated straight away.

If you have to close the account then please double check with your local office if there's any payment you need to know or if you are going to receive anything, then inform them the date you are going to close the account and your remittance account info etc.

ALSO you must receive info from local office to organize for an international transaction just in case,
(Office of Edu's Branch name, swift code etc)

The office of Education's account is managed by the government and it follows very strict rule.
Using international transaction is not recommended. Please concern to make and use remittance acc or internet banking with any bank in Korea until you finalize all payment with us.


E2 visas typically last for 13 months, which should ensure you have enough time to leave Korea after your contract ends. However, please check the expiry date on your ARC and apply for an extension if necessary. Please note that you will need to hand in your ARC at the airport when you depart from Korea.


It is important to leave enough time to say goodbye to your co-workers and students to ensure that you leave your schools on a good note.


If you are staying in employer-provided housing, you will need to leave your apartment by the last day of your contract date. Please ensure that your apartment is clean and all the employer-provided items are left in good condition. You will need to make an appointment with the gas company to ensure that the gas is disconnected and you receive your gas deposit back if you paid one. If you set up internet, you should remember to disconnect it before you leave.

Please ensure all your final bills are paid before you leave your apartment. If you leave before your bill typically arrives, you may need to give an estimated amount of money to your landlord.

If there’s any remaining payment after you leave, The amount will be deducted from the final pay.


Depending on your cellphone plan or an option you are on, remember to cancel your service or pass your contract on to someone else.

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