- Labour Day 1st MayAccording to Article 7 of the contract, on May 1st (Labour day) ALL EPIK teachers can take a day off without using their leave. "근로자의날" EPIK teachers, unlike Korean school teachers (civil workers,공무원), are entitled to take the day off as a public holiday. Some Korean teachers may not be aware of 1st May (Labour day,근로자의날) Please ask your co-teacher contact their local office of education if they have any inquiry. 2024.04.16
- Important Notification : Annual LeaveAll JEPIK are entitled to 26 paid vacation days. Paid leave days do not include weekends and public holidays. However, you should consider the following: If you are saving all of your vacation days for summer or winter and you have end up with 15 days of summer or winter camp, you are risking having very little flexibility with your travel/vacation plans. It is recommended to take shorter days during the summer vacation period and longer days during the winter vacation period. Please consider the schedules of ALL your schools. Academic calendars are often distributed at the beginning of the year and are usually posted on each school’s websites under “학사일정” or you can request one from your schools. Your paid leave requests should not disrupt the normal operations of your workplaces. Please be mindful that school programs as their schedules take precedence over yours. Referring to the Article 14(Annual Paid Leave). For long vacations, you should plan to go during school vacation periods and come back before the start of the next semester or right end of your contract, keep in mind that English camps and related duties take PRECEDENCE. Including mandatory training etc. Since we often have to take long, expensive flights to travel/see our families and friends, you’ll likely want to start talking about vacation programs with your schools about two month in advance. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT BOOK ANY FLIGHTS UNTIL YOUR PAID LEAVE DAYS HAVE BEEN APPROVED. If you have any schedule conflict where you feel that the contract is not being upheld, please contact JEPIK coordinator 2024.04.08
- 2024 Fall Contract Renewal Package is out! Kia Ora, 2024 Fall (Aug&Sep) Contract Renewal Papers sent out to your main school. Please read contents of the package carefully. **For those who's not willing to renew their contract, you still need to complete the class evaluation (refer to the contract article 19) Thank you- 2024.04.03
- e-Learning Management System Guideline for Child Abuse PreventionPlease download and follow the guideline. It will be much easier if you can ask anyone from your school to help you with the registration and finding the course! 2024.03.13
- Jeonbuk POE changes to Jeonbuk SOEJust to inform EPIK teachers in our province- We will not use "JEOLLABUKDO, 전라북도" anymore, it is now "JEONBUK STATE, 전북특별자치도". Therefore JEPIK team will use "SOE(State Office of Education)" instead of "POE(Provincial office of education)" from now on! Thank you- 2024.02.22
- 2024 Spring Workshop for CentresWe are inviting all centre teachers for our spring workshop in March. This workshop will be focusing on improving network between centres in Jeonbuk and for sharing ideas and programs. Date: 2024. March. 8. Friday Time: 10:00 ~ 16:30 Location: 치명자산성지 평화의 전당 (Seminar hall, Meeting Room) *its written in Korean do not use an automatic translator :) Address in Korean: 전북 전주시 완산구 바람쐬는길 120 평화의전당 Please check the map attached to the official invitation. See you all soon! 2024.02.15
- NEIS(4th GEN) QUICK START GUIDE (JEONBUK)This is to help EPIK teachers to use NEIS Please have your log-in ID and PASSWORD ready before logging in. If you have any question or help, Please ask your teachers at your school. 2024.01.31